2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of Laughter

Humans are social species. They have feelings, emotions and are able to express them better than any other living creatures. One of the most common expression is a laughter. It expresses such basic emotions as happiness, joy or contentment.

It is possible to separate laughter in different types by it's sound or stimulus. According to stimulus, biologists from Binghamton University in 2005 named two distinct types of laughter: stimulus driven and self - generated and strategic.

Stimulus - driven laughter may be the result of jokes, tickling or drugs. It's a physiological reaction. It's believed that humor and laughter even help people cope or treat a variety of physical and psychological issues, thus there are many therapies such as Humor, Clown, Laughter Therapy, etc.

Self - generated and strategic laughter is very important. It helps represent yourself for other people, clarify your intentions in social interaction and provides an emotional context to conversations.

Laughter is an audible expression. According to it's sound, there are many types of laughter. Shi Hui Lion separates six of them: the blast, the hiss, the giggle, wheezer, cacler and silent laugher. It's believed that human's laughter uncovers his character. F. ex. silent laugher is introverted, gigglers are reliable, loyal and trustworthy, etc.

To sum up, laughter is an audible expression, which can be separated into many types by it's sound or stimulus and expresses not only what does the human feel but what kind of person he is, too.

References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laughter;

3 komentarai:

Mari rašė...

Wow, this entry is really informative and I have noticed that a lot of sources were used writing this entry. Laughter is sorting into a two groups, I found it very interesting and new for me.

I believe, that the gist of psychology of laughter is mentioned here.

Santa rašė...

I like it ;) It was very interesting and informative. Most interesting point was types of laughting, because it was new for me :)
Good job, darling ;)

Aleksas rašė...

Beautiful work by our little Boss :)
Some interesting and new things for me were mentioned here.
Keep goin' :)