2008 m. lapkričio 7 d., penktadienis

Psychology of Shopping

Shopping is an activity of searching for or buying goods or services. Everyone of us visits shopping malls, supermarkets or groceries at least one-two times a week. The questions is why are we doing this? Are our needs the only one reason for shopping? What do psychologists say about that?

Firstly, it's worth to mention that our physical needs don't play the biggest part in shopping. Nowadays it is some kind of entertainment or even relaxation. Some psychologists claim that there are people who do shopping to cope with everyday stress or believe that somehow it can solve their psychological problems such as worries and doubts about their self-worth, their ability to cope effectively with challenges and their safety in a relatively unpredictable world.

The second factor, which affects us to buy or not to buy something in a supermarket, is "psychological techiques". In order to get the greatest profit from costumers there are some psychological tricks such as pricing at psychologically sensitive points, f. ex., at £29.99, stacking the products with the highest margins at eye-level, as it is known that consumers are more likely to buy products in their line of sight, etc.

In conclusion, shopping in our lives is not the short process just to get something. It is activity strongly related with human's psychology.

References: http://www.bized.co.uk/current/leisure/2004_5/140305.htm;

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