2009 m. spalio 13 d., antradienis

Your True Colours


The influence of color affects people very strongly. Persons who work in marketing range realize this fact and try to use it as much as possible to influence other people.

The preference of color often depends on the cultural custom. People in different countries may not think about the same color as attractive. British prefer green apples, Americans like red. French eat grey tined peas and beans, British do not. However, the psychology of colors is not only what people like or dislike.
The researcher John Ott has discovered that colors affect human nervous system. Experiments have shown that blood pressure may be affected by the color of surroundings. Red color increase energy and hunger, raise the blood pressure. Blue color decrease blood pressure, evokes tranquility and relaxation.
Food companies such as McDonald’s use psychology of colors by creating an atmosphere in which the appetite grows and people feel being in a hurry. Other companies select specific packets for products to make people think the product is more powerful or better.

In conclusion, the psychology of colors is one of the most popular ways to attract and influence other people to do or to buy something. Many companies use it and it is easy to notice this fact in everyday life.

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