2009 m. gegužės 14 d., ketvirtadienis


Learning is a process that never stops. It is easier to notice your progress when you separate your learning time into some parts. I’ve already written about my self-assessment some time earlier where I was talking about my progress during the first term. Now, when the second term is already finished, I’m going to write about my progress during it.

• Writing (a summary)

In this term, we didn’t write as many summaries as in the first one. More than that, this term we have been writing the other type of summary, called restatement summary. At first, I found it difficult to write because I was got used to analytical summaries. Nevertheless, after getting some practice now I don’t have any problems in writing both types of summary.

• Performance in ESP vocabulary tests

In the previous term, this aspect was the least pleasant for me. I understood that I have to change my learning strategy and I did it. I was trying to rewrite definitions just right after reading the module. It helped me to think about the most important words and learn using them during my English-classes. Therefore, now I find ESP vocabulary tests easier than before.

• Performance in class dictations

This task was new for me. After the first dictation I was little bit confused because my results were awful. I made many grammar and punctuation mistakes. However, the second dictation was easier because I’ve already knew what to expect and what kind of mistakes I should avoid. More than tat, the first dictation was about the law, thus specific words were unknown for me. The second one was about suicides, this topic is more familiar to my specialty. The results had shown that the second performance was really better.

• Listening practice in class

In the first term, I felt lack of this task. In this term was enough listening practice. However, I still make mistakes. Nevertheless, now I know when and how I should pay attention while listening. I believe, that during the third term I’ll reach results that I want to.

• Listening to peers’ Power Point presentations

Watch and listen to Power Point presentations that are made by others is important because then we get a lot of new information, improve our knowledge and may help presenter by giving some comments after his presentation. However, this task isn’t very interesting for me, thus I have to try very hard not to pay my attention to other things.

• Making Power Point presentation

This task is still the best for me. It is the most creative and sometimes I think I would rather do presentations every week than writing summaries. Of course, it depends on the topic. This term the topic of my Power Point presentation was very interesting for me and I enjoyed preparing for it.

• Short talks on ESP themes in class

This task became so easy for me that I even do not notice it as real task. I think I’ve already remove my fear to talk in foreign language and this is the reason why it is easier for me now.

To sum up, this term was easier for me than the previous one because I’ve finally understood the system of this subject, my mistakes and gain more confidence.


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