2008 m. gruodžio 11 d., ketvirtadienis

Self-assessment of Success in Learning ESP

The first term of learning ESP was quite difficult and unexpected by its tasks and tests. At the beginning of studies, I thought that we would be only learning grammar and some words or phrases related to psychology. However, after few weeks I understood that we are learning psychology in English.

• Writing a summary

At first I found it hard, however, “practice makes perfect”, therefore after my second summary it doesn’t seem difficult to write it. In spite of this, I still have to pay attention to points such as formal/informal language and not retelling the texts.

• Writing comprehension tests on modules in psychology

It is one of the hardest tasks for me, because if you want to get good mark you have to learn some definitions by heart, not just understand the main idea of the material. It takes too much time, energy and efforts. I hope that in the future I will be able to explain specific definitions in my own words and comprehension tests wouldn’t be so difficult for me.

• Making Power Point presentations

This task is one of the most attractive because I found it very interesting to go into the details about the only one topic and think how can I represent it to my group. The task was more interesting because of possibility to use creativity by searching and posting nice pictures connected with the topic. It is good to do what you like because then it doesn’t seem very hard, thus this task was quite easy for me.

• Impromptu speaking in class

Speaking in class isn’t very hard task, however, at the first times I was quite nervous about that. Now it doesn’t seem scary to me. Despite this fact, I would like to improve my speaking better. I understand that I have to try to participate more during discussions and I will try to do this next term.

• Performance in listening practice

Listening isn’t very hard, but not easy as well. Sometimes I understand absolutely everything but sometimes I can’t understand even the task. I’m trying to improve it at home, however, in the future I would like to do more listening practice in class.

• Writing contributions to e-portfolio
This task is the most interesting for me. There you can use all your creativity and usually it’s possible to choose the topic you would like to write about. I also like the fact, that you can write it at home, despite the fact, that it requires a lot of time because of searching information and reading articles.

To sum up, learning ESP this term wasn’t easy, however, I found it quite interesting in some ways and I believe that the next term my results might be better and it depends only on my efforts.

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