2008 m. spalio 1 d., trečiadienis

My Future Profession

Once upon a time in a city near long river was living a small girl called Eglė. She was wery friendly and liked communicating with people. When her friends were crying she was listening and then trying to find solutions. She had never thought that she could work as psychologist till... eleventh form at school when she has started to learn basics of psychology. Then she understood that it's the only thing she want to connect her life with...

There're many people interested in psychology. Some of them are reading books, watching broadcasts about it and so on. Other people are going deeper into this subject ant studying it at universities. I'm one of them. However, not all students who are studying psychology are going to work as psychologists in the future. I don't belong to this group :D Actually, I can't imagine myself sitting in the office and working with the computer only. And I wouldn't like to be some kind of a clerk and repeat the same phrases such as "Welcome", "Thank you for calling", "Hace a nice day" all the time. I am always interested in human's personality, feelings and life experience, not only in his status. Thus, I think that the best choice for so curious person like me is the psychologist's career :D

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