2009 m. gruodžio 6 d., sekmadienis


The learning of ESP has come to an end. This term was the last one for me and, I think, the best. Three terms of learning ESP gave a lot of knowledge and experience and I‘m very happy to evaluate my performance for the last time.

• Writing (a summary)
This task is the hardest for me. I do not feel very self-confident about it and it will be the most terrifying part of the exam for me. I think it is because we weren‘t writing this term a lot of summaries and I even forgot some things. However, I think that I won‘t perform very badly during the exam if I‘ll revise before it.

• Performance in ESP vocabulary tests
At the beginning of the first term I was afraid of this task. I couldn‘t understand how it is possible to memorize all definitions from the module. However, during the second term I already understood the system and it became easier for me. This term ESP vocabulary tests were absolutely easy for me also because of the new concept – they included not only definitions but also tasks of multiple choices and open-ended questions.

• Performance in class dictations
I think that class dictations are very beneficial for students because in this way they can improve not only their listening but the writing as well. I really enjoyed this task especially for the better and better results each time :)

• Listening to peer‘s Power Point presentations
I think that this term I was paying the greatest attention to peers‘ presentations because I was interested not only in the presentation but in the information in it as well. I was trying to memorize the main points of the topic because you may never know what topic you should be talking on in the future.

• Making Power Point presentation
This term a worked really hard on my Power Point presentation. I wanted to do the best presentation of all my presentations and I think I succeeded. I was always interested in the depression thus I chosen the topic about it, found a lot of information and presented it to my class friends. I also think that this presentation was the most serious because it was concentrated only on the important information without popular myths or nice pictures.

• Short talks on ESP themes in class
During the first term I was really afraid of speaking in front of the class or without preparation. This term I was absolutely relaxed, sometimes I didn‘t even need special preparation or long-lasting learning of the text. I think I finally realized that no one is perfect and it is O.K. to make some mistakes while talking. In this way I lost all my fears and now I can speak paying all my attention to the topic not to the words.

To sum up, ESP course was really beneficial to me and I do feel my improvement. These studies helped me to understand that English language is not only grammar or speaking and there‘s always something you can make better.