2009 m. kovo 26 d., ketvirtadienis

Studies of Psychology at Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania and University of Helsinki in Finland

There is possibility to study psychology all over the world. However, that kind of studies are not the same at different universities, therefore I am going to compare them at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), where I am studying, and at University of Helsinki, where I would like to do that.

At MRU, we study psychology in the faculty of Social policy. This faculty offers three first cycle degrees (Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Social work, Bachelor of Law and Penitentiary Activities) and the same kind of Master’s degree.
At University of Helsinki, in the faculty of Behavioral sciences, it is possible to get also three first cycle degrees (Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Bachelor of Arts (Education), Bachelor of Arts) and the same kind of Master’s degree.

The department of Psychology in the University of Helsinki consists of nine sections: perception and cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, traffic psychology, neuropsychology, personality psychology, psychometrics and methodology, psychology of work, technology, and organizations, plus cognitive science.
The department of psychology in Mykolas Romeris University consists of fewer sections: social psychology, psychology of business and psychology of law. However, in this University psychology as separate studies exists only for three years and I am sure that when MRU will be as old as the University of Helsinki there will be much more sections.

In both universities all students take first a Bachelor’s degree and then have right to continue their studies to a Master’s degree.
The first cycle degree in Finland consists of 180 credits and the second cycle degree an additional 150 credits, thus it takes about five and a half year an average to take Master’s degree.
In Lithuania, we have 160 credits to get first cycle degree and only 80 credits for Master’s degree. However, it takes six years to finish these studies.

To sum, there are many differences between psychology at MRU and University of Helsinki. However, I believe that both of universities prepare good specialists and the best way to compare inner possibilities of these universities is to visit them :)

2009 m. kovo 1 d., sekmadienis

Average Happiness

Happiness is a state of mind or feeling such as contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. It's not just a sudden emotion. It is knowing that despite some problems in your life you're still happy.

Many people understand happiness very differently. Some of them think that happy is rich, successful and famous person. Other pay more attention to love, family and good relationship with other people. The rest may find happiness in small things.

According to research, accomplished by Ruuth Veenhoven, the more people feel happy, the longer they live. More than that, it is possible to separate out countries according to their states of happiness of their citizens. For example, the research shows us, that the happiest nations are the Switz, Danish and Icelanders. They all live more that 60 years. The unhappiest people live in Tanzania and Zimbabwe. They live 11,5-15,2 year on average. We can see a tendency, that people feel happier in more advanced countries.

It's not very easy to feel happy when there are a lot of problems around you. However, everything depends only on the attitude of your mind. As the one English idiom says, "every cloud has a silver line". It is possible to take every problem as a challenge and learn from it. Remember, life is just a bowl of cherries :)
